Sunday, October 3, 2010

The First Cold Day of Fall

It's too bad that we live in the city, or I might have something good to photograph and share with all of you. It has been an easy day to be contented. The cooler weather means that we are more comfortable, if a little bit sleepy. I no longer struggle with the feeling of being overheated when I am working a large piece of knitting or crochet in my lap. Most of all, this is my favorite time of year, as things begin to change. I am surprised to have discovered a real sense of contentment today. This is what I have been looking for (and failing to find) for several weeks. YHVH is really working in my life, and He is taking me where He wants me to go. The best part about it is that I want to go with Him.

I have decided that at least through this season, I am going to try to start blogging daily. For those of you who know that I struggle with computer addiction from time to time, this isn't part of that. This is part of the necessary process of getting into a routine and seeking fellowship with other believers. I need to be doing more to reach out, and I keep feeling that I am inadequate as a believer, so I pull back and start over again, often from a different angle. So far nothing has made me feel as though I'm getting it right, so I figure that I might as well practice it until things work out. 

Right now I am going through a process of learning some new and essential skills. At the top of this list of skills is consistent organization. I know how to make things neat and organized, but they almost never stay that way. I can no longer claim that I know where everything in my house is, because we have begun the terrible process of replacing lost items. This is not only expensive but it is unhealthy. 

My goal here is to be entirely honest with you. There are some things about which I almost never talk except one-on-one. Most of that isn't going to change, though you will likely find out some things about me that you didn't previously know. Some things may cause you to ask questions that I cannot or will not answer. I apologize for this. I am not claiming to be transparent, but I will always at least be honest with you. 

Part of this organizational process is getting into the habit of reading and memorizing scripture and catechism. No, I am not Catholic, and yes, I will be teaching my daughter catechism as a faith-sealing and faith-expanding practice. She's a bit young yet, but I don't think that it is ever too early to expose her to these kinds of important things.

I will always let you know what my goals are and what I am working on. In fact, I am about to create a little form that I hope to put at the end of every post as I walk this path with you. I hope that some people will join me and make comments. I really do need the moral support right now, as I am going through a lot and do not have any kind of spiritual family (that is to say, I am not attending any kind of an assembly and only just found out that there is a Messianic congregation in my city today).

Current Goal: My current goal is to learn to organize both my home and my time.
Secondary Goal: I am trying to beat food addiction and lose weight. It has been an uphill battle, but I know that with YHVH's help I can do it!
Today's Habit: Today I am shining my sink. Yes, it is a Flylady thing. And yes, I am doing Flylady again. I know that this can work for me if I just stick with the program. So far I have not.
Reading: Today I am going to start reading The Surrendered Wife by Laura Doyle. I will review it when I am finished.
Bible Reading: I am pacing myself through Genesis and picking at Proverbs. I want to re-read the Torah right now but I am also drawn to Proverbs, so I'm reading when I can. I will read through at least the first two chapters of Genesis tonight.
Memorizing: I am working on memorizing Proverbs 31:10-31 at the moment. For this week/day it is Proverbs 31:10-12.
Praying for: I am praying for my husband's wife. For more information see The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian.
Grateful for: Today I am intensely grateful for the incredible peace of this day. I am almost finished with a gift for my mother (I participate in, but do not celebrate, Christmas) and should be able to finish my sister's tomorrow, then move on to toys for the kids. I'm very, very content and grateful to the Ruach Hakodesh for giving me such great comfort today.


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